

Read the official OAuth2 reference document rfc6749


Roles [ref]#

OAuth defines four roles

  1. resource owner
  2. resource server
  3. client
  4. authorization server

auth-nz is implementing the authorization server role so let's recap the definition of such a server

The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully

authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.

So the sole purpose of this lib is to

  • validate requests made towards the authorization server
  • obtaining authorization (~getting consent)
  • issuing access tokens & refresh tokens

Authenticating the resource owner is not part of this lib (at the moment) because getting authentication is a widespread topic. Some apps implement basic email+password logins while others incorporate SAML or other corporate solutions. We will leave this to you at this time.

Authorization Code grant flow [ref]#

| Resource |
| Owner |
| |
+----|-----+ Client Identifier +---------------+
| -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->| |
| User- | | Authorization |
| Agent -+----(B)-- User authenticates --->| Server |
| | | |
| -+----(C)-- Authorization Code ---<| |
+-|----|---+ +---------------+
| | ^ v
(A) (C) | |
| | | |
^ v | |
+---------+ | |
| |>---(D)-- Authorization Code ---------' |
| Client | & Redirection URI |
| | |
| |<---(E)----- Access Token -------------------'
+---------+ (w/ Optional Refresh Token)

For (A) the authorization server needs a so-called authorization endpoint. In this case /oauth/authorize

Authorization request [ref]#

Parameters [ref]#

response_typeREQUIREDMust be code
redirect_uriOPTIONALWhen not present the redirect_uri provided upon client registration will be used as the redirect target

For example such a request could look like the following

GET /oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=4eb5b1abeaf86439665205bc&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback&state=b10b49e24acc HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000